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The last and most perplexing book of the Bible is explained with exceptional clarity. Ascension Christology is the heart of the prophetic and visionary message, which is the final testimony of Christ to his church until he returns in glory. While the book contains terrifying images of God’s wrath and coming judgment, even more is it a celebration of the saints, both in heaven and on earth, who...

above. Especially the visions described in Isaiah 24–27; Ezekiel 1–3; 38–39; Joel; Daniel 7–12; and Zechariah exhibit some of the characteristics prominent in the genre of apocalyptic literature. As for extrabiblical apocalyptic, important Jewish apocalypses are 1 Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, 4 Ezra, the Assumption of Moses, 2 Baruch, the Apocalypse of Abraham, and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. Among Christian apocalypses are the Ascension of Isaiah (appended to the Jewish-Christian Martyrdom
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